Inventory Management
Van Brunt Logistics & Warehousing utilizes CORE flex Inventory Management tools to track changes in product inventory. The core of a business is built on the distribution of product. The Van Brunt team will work with you to understand your inventory data and assess current and future product trends. Replenishment time, inventory carrying costs, asset management, inventory forecasting and valuation are just some of the factors a business owner relies on to maintain growth and cut waste.
Van Brunt Logistics’ inventory management system is your key to streamlining the logistics process. By integrating this management system into your operations, we ensure that you are equipped with all the tools necessary for building your business. With powerful data at your fingertips, you will be able to balance the need for product availability with cutting as many storage costs as possible.
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7:00am – 4:00pm
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580 Division Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07201-2003
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Distribution & Handling